Friday, February 15, 2013

How to Get Sexy Female Abs

Today I want to show you some simple ways for women sexy abs. I will not tell you to do 1000 crunches a day and run 12 laps around the track, either.

I like to share some little known strategies that work very well to flatten and tone your tummy.

Here's how to get Abs Sexy Woman

Vacuum Pose (isometric)

Everything you need to do for this exercise are stored in your gut as you can and keep a count of 3. Then let the tension. And the cycle repeats. Keep doing this for 5 minutes straight.

Now try this. Tighten your stomach as much as possible. Then hold this position for 5 seconds. Relax for 5 seconds and repeat. Do this exercise for at least five minutes every day, too.

This is a total of 10 minutes of your day. This should not be a problem, right?

Hula Hoop

For this exercise, you need a weighted hula hoop. All you need to do is run a hoop for 10 minutes every day. You might be surprised how it works to tone your tummy. It is perfect for shaping the feminine curves of a woman.

Snack on low-fat yogurt and apples

Apples are excellent for fiber and yogurt are an excellent source of protein. If you agree to eat these two foods as a snack, you can get rid of your cravings for junk food and not be hungry between meals.

Yes you can get female abs fast

Hot Abs women are a thing of beauty and are an amazing sight. Hot abs women are everywhere: in the gym, on the beach, in the street. Abs women are really something beautiful, and can be achieved in a relatively short period of time, even if you are starting from a low base. Apart from their beautiful, with great abs on women's health is good.

The abdominal muscles are an essential part of the body for men and women attractive.

There are three elements to help you achieve the Hollywood star with beautiful female abs. The first component is exercise and diet and mental attitude.


Initially, the goal is to develop core strength flat abs exercises in female abdominal area.

Standing in the muscles of the abdomen and tighten the abdominal muscles is a good way to reaffirm and strengthen them. High reps of crunches are great for reducing belly fat.

Using an exercise ball is a great way to work your abs too.

In addition to abdominal exercises, training organization the strength is an important part of developing a washboard stomach.

All the Hollywood stars use stair workouts to get a great looking body and flat stomach.

These abdominal exercises and methods of work in the same way for men and women, it's just the nature of our body that make the difference between men's ability to get bigger muscles and abs easy women to contract the stomach just lean hard work.

It takes time and effort to get those abs polishing female, but diet, exercise and perseverance are the key factors. Women are slower to build muscle, but with hard work and good exercise with great fat burning, a six pack is achievable.


Women have great abs may require losing body fat. For great abs and good health, the ideal is to reduce body fat at least 15-20% of women.

If you would like to have these great looking abs women should significantly reduce the amount of fat intake and virtually eliminate sugary foods from your diet. Once you get used to a healthy diet, you will wonder how and why you eat unhealthy foods. This is not overnight to get used to a healthy diet, but it is very doable.

Abuse occurs when too much of the wrong foods enter the body. Sure, you can have the occasional dessert and fried foods, but should not be part of your regular diet.

In general, our body must be fed a healthy diet, which means that we need to eat the right fat burning foods all day. Here is a list of 12 powerful fat burning foods:

or other almonds and walnuts
or beans and legumes
or spinach and other leafy vegetables
or milk products (cheese, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, and nonfat or low-fat)
or instant oatmeal
or eggs
or Turkey and other lean meats
or peanut butter (all natural, no sugar added)
olive oil or
o whole grain breads and cereals
or extra-protein (whey) powder
or raspberries and other berries

The more you eat these foods, the more your body will be able to increase muscle mass and avoid fat.

Make it a point to include at least two or three of these foods every day in their three main meals and snacks included.

Mental attitude:

To stick to an exercise routine and a healthy diet should have a positive mental attitude. Someone once said: "If you think you can you can, and if you think you can not you can not." So what we really believe that we are capable of achieving.

Female Abs After Pregnancy

Having a baby can produce a radical change in his life and female abs. But the little bundle of joy makes all significant changes. But how to lose stomach fat because it is more difficult to exercise regularly and have a proper night's sleep.

You're not alone. Many women struggle without abs routine after pregnancy. Below I have listed some tips to get in shape and lifestyle to get in shape.

No baby.

Do not rush to return to their routine abs female. After the birth of your baby, it can take up to six weeks for your body to heal properly. How to make it much more difficult to lose stomach fat. However, cleaning and basic care of your baby is enough of a workout for the moment. As always, you should seek the advice of your doctor about postpartum exercises, precautions and limitations.

Prioritize your exercise time.

You probably think you do not have time. You just go through the work, who are deprived of sleep, your body is healing. It is as if you have no energy. However, the exercise will give you more energy to take care of your baby, dishes, laundry, and especially for you. This is why you must make exercise a priority.

Integrate your baby.

Walking is a great exercise to help you on your way to more power and abs women. Take your baby for a walk in the mall. Set goals and time yourself to walk. For example, today, pushing the stroller four minutes without stopping. Future target for 4 and a half minutes. When you're tired, rest on a bench, then go again.

If weather is nice, take a walk around the neighborhood or in the park. Your baby will enjoy and you will too.

Let your baby looks at you. You will be placed on a swing next to you while you're training elliptical or running on a treadmill. Or place your baby in a park and make your abs routine wife with him on the floor. Or simply lift and hold your baby in a fun way is a good exercise.

Get your exercise partner again.

In other words, if you had one. Otherwise, hiring a friend or another new mom. It is a great source of motivation. Schedule a time each day and meet the exercises. Having someone you depends greatly improve the chances that you adhere to it.

It will also be fun to walk around and talk about their day and of course the baby things. You will find that your training will take place shortly. Join a local club or courses within the local gym. Have a friend that I encourage you to reach your goals can be very motivating.

You can enjoy every moment of motherhood and stay in shape. Your baby will soon be very active, but keep with it will be fun and not as difficult as you once would be difficult. Share your success with other mothers to keep each other motivated. Before they know it will return abs women.

Why Female Abs Are More Difficult to Achieve ?

No end in bodybuilding? Do you want to lose belly fat quickly and have sexy women without looking bulky abs? Most of us want to see the results of our work in the mirror, we are not professional body building. Like a professional bodybuilder is usually more than the desired results. Women generally do not care too much muscle building. Unless you do heavy weights, or take supplements muscle size, increase never reached the "Mr. Universe" body type.

Specific areas of the female body are more resistant than others to the definition. Studies on outcomes for men and women, men and women have a different process to metabolize. While doctors are not positive exactly why this happens, we think the difference is hormonal.

The wall of the abdomen of a woman who is naturally a normal weight is always covered with a layer of fat cells. When you burn fat, lose weight, gain muscle, but not necessarily. Because the body does not change the free fatty acids in the muscle, fat enters the bloodstream and eventually disappear. If you are over the age and menopause, which can cause changes in the heart and blood pressure.

While moderate exercise is good for both sexes and all ages, intensive isolation exercises such as abdominal development of women, should be used in collaboration with the work routines in general. In addition, while women are more difficult abdominal sculpture, men are more likely to develop a hernia in this area of ​​the body.

The biggest obstacle for women and defining your abs really lose belly fat to see them. To find them, you need to burn stomach fat. This was reflected by changes in your diet to reduce stubborn pounds in the stomach area, and a disciplined nutrition plan that reduces the bad fats to keep toned abs exposed. Sugar, sweets, fried foods and junk food snacks available.

After the realization of the loss of fat in your belly, you still have to build muscle to get this look sexy abs defined. It will take time and training. No gadget fad diet or miracle pill that can discipline and perseverance will occur. You do not need to create a large amount of tissue to brag, but none will be more muscle and less like a pancake shaped and well defined.

A large number of traditional exercises to create more tension in the back of the results. Ideal training will focus on the whole ab region, including the lower back, sculpting and strength building as you continue to work. Using a machine can help to form if it is used correctly in combination with floor exercises such as reverse crunch. It takes time and effort to get those abs appear female, but diet, exercise and consistency are the most important factors.

Exercise specific muscles
Be sure to keep the general training so you get that toned overall appearance while you lose belly fat and get this amazing flat stomach female.