Friday, February 15, 2013

Why Female Abs Are More Difficult to Achieve ?

No end in bodybuilding? Do you want to lose belly fat quickly and have sexy women without looking bulky abs? Most of us want to see the results of our work in the mirror, we are not professional body building. Like a professional bodybuilder is usually more than the desired results. Women generally do not care too much muscle building. Unless you do heavy weights, or take supplements muscle size, increase never reached the "Mr. Universe" body type.

Specific areas of the female body are more resistant than others to the definition. Studies on outcomes for men and women, men and women have a different process to metabolize. While doctors are not positive exactly why this happens, we think the difference is hormonal.

The wall of the abdomen of a woman who is naturally a normal weight is always covered with a layer of fat cells. When you burn fat, lose weight, gain muscle, but not necessarily. Because the body does not change the free fatty acids in the muscle, fat enters the bloodstream and eventually disappear. If you are over the age and menopause, which can cause changes in the heart and blood pressure.

While moderate exercise is good for both sexes and all ages, intensive isolation exercises such as abdominal development of women, should be used in collaboration with the work routines in general. In addition, while women are more difficult abdominal sculpture, men are more likely to develop a hernia in this area of ​​the body.

The biggest obstacle for women and defining your abs really lose belly fat to see them. To find them, you need to burn stomach fat. This was reflected by changes in your diet to reduce stubborn pounds in the stomach area, and a disciplined nutrition plan that reduces the bad fats to keep toned abs exposed. Sugar, sweets, fried foods and junk food snacks available.

After the realization of the loss of fat in your belly, you still have to build muscle to get this look sexy abs defined. It will take time and training. No gadget fad diet or miracle pill that can discipline and perseverance will occur. You do not need to create a large amount of tissue to brag, but none will be more muscle and less like a pancake shaped and well defined.

A large number of traditional exercises to create more tension in the back of the results. Ideal training will focus on the whole ab region, including the lower back, sculpting and strength building as you continue to work. Using a machine can help to form if it is used correctly in combination with floor exercises such as reverse crunch. It takes time and effort to get those abs appear female, but diet, exercise and consistency are the most important factors.

Exercise specific muscles
Be sure to keep the general training so you get that toned overall appearance while you lose belly fat and get this amazing flat stomach female.

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